Staying at Kikusui-tei ( Kanzanji onsen )

Hi there!
I stayed overnight at "Kikusui-tei" which is a Japanese style hotel in Kanzanji onsen, using a discount coupon which is valid for only Shizuoka residents the other day.

There are some nice indoor bath and also 2 types of open-air outside bath in the hotel. The view from the open-air outside bath are amazing! You can see wonderful panoramic view of Hamana lake and if you were in the dusk, you would be able to admire the view of the fantastic sunset .

The cuisine was also great. I was satisfied with the meal using seasonal local ingredients.

If you are a Shizuoka citizen, you may still have a chance to get this coupon. Please contact your travel agent.
More details about Kikusui-tei below.
